#13514: Only last package javascript catalog is loaded in case of missing 
          Reporter:  jtiai                 |         Owner:  nobody         
            Status:  new                   |     Milestone:                 
         Component:  Internationalization  |       Version:  SVN            
        Resolution:                        |      Keywords:  i18n javascript
             Stage:  Unreviewed            |     Has_patch:  0              
        Needs_docs:  0                     |   Needs_tests:  0              
Needs_better_patch:  0                     |  
Changes (by jtiai):

  * summary:  Only last package catalog is loaded in case of missing
              default translation. => Only last package
              javascript catalog is loaded in case of missing
              default translation.


 Replying to [comment:1 arkx]:
 > Hello, I'm the one who provided the patch to fix #3594. What I'd like to
 see is a failing test case where you demonstrate the problem you are
 facing. You can use the tests introduced in #3594 as an example:
 If this seems daunting you could also upload a test project that
 demonstrates the issue so that we could take a look.
 > Did I undestand correctly that you wanted a Finnish translation to
 appear and it did not, displaying the default (as specified by
 LANGUAGE_CODE setting) English instead? Which language(s) are you
 translating to and which from? Are you having trouble with normal
 translations or !JavaScript translations? Please note that both of the
 tickets you refer to are related to !JavaScript translations only.

 I'm using javascript translation (should have been more precise there).

 I was having incorrect default (en-us) translation and I tried to have
 Finnish translations appear. I've multiple catalogs (around 20 apps with
 their own catalogs, djangojs - to be precise).

 When browser requested Finnish translations only last application package
 listed in packages list was loaded for some reason.

 Excerpt of urls.py:
 js_info_dict = {
     'packages': ('app1', 'app2', 'app3', 'app4',),

 urlpatterns = patterns('',
     (r'^jsi18n/$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),


 Now in my case I don't have english translations, I had default language
 defined as "en-us", and browser requested "fi" translation.

 I got only translations from last application package in example case

 > For reference, some background: because English is often the language
 people translate from (for example in Django's official translations),
 there is often no reason to create English translation files (just as you
 note, you don't have them at all). In this case, when English is the
 selected language the system will try to look for English translation and
 when it doesn't find one, it will return the untranslated string, which
 happens to be in English.
 > The problem was that !JavaScript translation catalog would include the
 LANGUAGE_CODE translation if it's something other than English. This would
 cause trouble in the scenario where you are translating from English to
 Finnish for example, and your LANGUAGE_CODE is set to Finnish. The
 translation catalog is set to Finnish because of LANGUAGE_CODE, but then
 when the system subsequently tries to find translation for the currently
 selected language (English), it will not find anything, because English is
 the language being translated from. And hence Finnish translation is
 served to a user who requested English translation despite the fact that
 English version exists.
 > I fixed this by setting a flag if English translation files could not be
 found during the catalog's construction and checking for that flag when at
 the last step the system is looking for active language's translation
 files and the language happens to be English. Then and only then is the
 catalog that had been set to LANGUAGE_CODE in previous step discarded.
 Note that '''nothing is discarded unless the English translation files are
 missing and English is the currently activated language choice''', which
 should not happen if a browser requests the Finnish translation.

 In my case it exactly happened like that. I had Finnish as a active
 language (verified from a debugger) and all else but last catalog defined
 in my packages list was discarded. Last loaded catalog was in correct
 language though (Finnish).

 > Take a look at the function javascript_catalog at
 http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/views/i18n.py if
 you want to see exactly how the !JavaScript translation catalog is

 I did and it seems that last change made in that file seems to override
 everything with last catalog ever loaded from packages list. (previously
 there was t.update, now there is just assignment)

 Maybe this only happens when you have multiple catalogs that should be
 joined together instead of just loading one catalog? At least in test case
 provided I didn't found anything related to multiple catalogs.

 System also works in my case if rolling back views.i18n two changesets
 (before changes made).

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13514#comment:3>
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