Well, I never got a reply, and I never got python-eunuchs working.
However, upgrading my python to 2.4 (and then basically reinstalling
everything in the new site-packages) did the trick. I did have to make
a change to the shebang at the start of django-admin.py to point at
python2.4 as well.

Maybe someone with the same problem as me will stumble across this


Colin Howlett wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to get up and running with Django on Mac OS X 10.3.9.
> I installed Django, and with Django's built-in webserver it works fine.
> Due to the issues with serving media (such as css) from that server,
> I've been trying to get Django working with the standard apache 1.3 on
> the mac using these instructions:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/OsxFcgi
> They work fine until I try to follow the last instruction to start FCGI
> with this instruction:
> django-fcgi.py --settings=myproject.settings --host --port
> 8882 --daemon
> at which point django-fcgi.py falls in a heap complaining it's unable
> to import 'python-eunuchs'.
> On Pypi, python-eunuchs points to a bitkeeper repository. Having
> installed the free bikeeper client, it turns out that all I get from
> the repository are a couple of directories and file containing what
> seem to be encryption keys.
> Googling for 'python-eunuchs' pulls up a source tarball in Debian's
> repository (which has no dependencies other than python 2.3 (which is
> the default on Mac OS X 10.3.9). Perhaps predictably however, running
> 'python setup.py install' from Debian's python-eunuchs on Mac OS X
> gives compilation errors.
> So I'm stuck. Has anybody got Django up and runnning with the default
> apache on OS X 10.3.9? If so how?
> Thanks
> Colin

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