There is one part of the design that puzzles me. Considering DRY and
simple design goals, it is odd that you have to define a very specific
template to cover even a generic view.
For example, I have a Client(Person) model (Person is a subclass as it
holds general info like names, addresses, etc), a generic create/update
view and I have written very little code. But when I get to the
template, no scalable option is obvious. I would expect something like:
(% for field in form.fields %)
(% endfor %)
but instead I am looking at:
 <td><label>First Name</label></td>
 <td><label>Last Name</label></td>
 <td>... etc

Although I see some sense to separating formatting from model, there is
a chance that you can miss a field here or there. Plus most of my
tables are very boring, fairly large tables and I certainly don't want
to spend much time on the templates for them. I also don't want to use
the admin interface because it is too specific - so what should I do?

I completely understand if this is already documented - apologies if so.

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