personally I'm all for ease of use, and multiple versions of things,
and I'm REALLY happy if it is easy for someone to go and write their
own blog software.

for example.. I've been slowly getting a phpBB-like forum software up
and running for my own uses. and was planning to 'announce/release'
next week when it is a bit more polished.

but for me django isn't powerful as it could be.

what I would like to see being focused on post 1.0 is more the
infrastructure bits, simliar to the admin interface.
here is the list of things I see would help me build my forum software:

- captcha (text or images based)
- row level authorization (ACL)
- auditing
- spam and XSS protection
- user registration
- 2.0 stuff like tagging

now I know people have been working in their own repo's (as I have as
well)  on some of these things, but I for one would like this level to
be standardized first

On 12/14/05, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2005, at 3:58 PM, Rock wrote:
> > Wrong I think. There are already several Djangoids looking at making a
> > discussion forum together as an open project. I expect there will be
> > plenty of similar activities.
> Yes.
> The major thrust after 1.0 will be to build up a "standard Django
> library" of apps so that it's trivial to install a blog app, or a
> discussion forum, or a wiki, or...  Part of this process will indeed
> be to figure out the best practices for distributing packaged Django
> apps.
> (Simon has cool ideas about one-click installs of these apps...)
> Jacob

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- blog: -- PH: ++61-3-9877-0909

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Mario Andretti

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