On 1/10/06, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/10/06, Rich Bakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here is the exact SQL that is passed to MS SQL:
> >
> > [core_sessions].[session_key],[core_sessions].[session_data],[core_sessions].[expire_date]
> > FROM [core_sessions] WHERE [core_sessions].[session_key] = %s
> >
> > As you can see, it has stopped at %s.
> >
> > Is there anything I can do to help?
> Yes, help would be great, because I don't have access to a SQL Server
> installation...
> Here's what's happening. All Django queries use "%s" as placeholders
> for values that will be quoted by the database backend. For example:
>     cursor.execute("UPDATE foo set bar=%s", ['fred'])
> The database backend translates this to:
>     UPDATE foo set bar='fred'
> Note that it properly applies quote marks as necessary.
> The problem is that the SQL Server database backend (the "adodbapi"
> library) assumes placeholders use "?" for placeholders. So the Django
> layer needs to convert all "%s" placeholders in the query to "?".
> It looks like the current way this is happening (in
> django/core/db/backends/ado_mssql.py) isn't working. Could you tinker
> with this and see what you can fix?

D'oh, dang it.  This is one of the bits I'd run into before when I was
testing it.  Sorry I didn't recognize it; I've slept since then.

Yeah, adodbapi was doing something weird with the executeHelper, so we did this:

# We need to use a special Cursor class because adodbapi expects question-mark
# param style, but Django expects "%s". This cursor converts question marks to
# format-string style.
#class Cursor(Database.Cursor):
#    def executeHelper(self, operation, isStoredProcedureCall, parameters=None):
#        print "got operation %s" % (operation)
#        if parameters is not None and "%s" in operation:
#            operation = operation.replace("%s", "?")
#            print "replaced operation to %s" % (operation)
#        Database.Cursor.executeHelper(self, operation,
isStoredProcedureCall, parameters)
#class Connection(Database.Connection):
#    def foo():
#      pass
#    def cursor(self):
#        return Cursor(self)
#Database.Connection = Connection
#Database.XConnection = Connection

old_executeHelper = Database.Cursor.executeHelper
def executeHelper(self, operation, isStoredProcedureCall, parameters=None):
    if parameters is not None and "%s" in operation:
        operation = operation.replace("%s", "?")
    old_executeHelper(self, operation, isStoredProcedureCall, parameters)
Database.Cursor.executeHelper = executeHelper

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