Hi PythonistL,
When I tried your link with the trailing slash, i.e.,
I got usual urconf error from django. As you have debug on, I was able
to see your paths in url.py. Next I gave several adresses, i.e., Index
(why is it in upper case?), Test, but each time I had error:

Exception Value:        Could not import
boardproject.apps.board.views.board. Error was: No module named

Next I tried admin, but still, an error occured:

You don't have 'django.contrib.admin' in INSTALLED_APPS.

- you forgot to do so ;-)

Therefore, as I guess, your django project seems to be properly served
via fastCGI, but the errors seem to be in your url configurationand/or
in your app. Could you post here the url module?

And also, please post mod_rewrite config, to fix the trailing slash
problem - that's why you have IndexError - no django view callable is
got, AFAIK.

P.S. Don't forget to define action for r'' you shoud give here the same
view callable as for r'Index'.

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