On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 09:22:25PM -0000, Jan Rademaker wrote:
> The 'archive_day' you see in urlpatterns is the name of the view, eg.
> django.views.generic.date_based.archive_day and not some string that's
> appended to the module's name. 

Thanks... for some reason, I had the perception that the urlpatterns
specified the template not the view.  Knowing it's the view I went
to the source code and now understand.  It's amazing how one reads
things when you have an incorrect perception to begin with :-)

Perhaps that might need to be more clear in the docs?

> The default template names for date
> based views happen to be the same as  the name of the corresponding
> view. The default template name for the object_detail view is
> <module_name>_detail, so in this case entries_detail.
> See
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/generic_views/#using-date-based-generic-views

Except that it's not IN the docs... :-)

At least, searching for "_detail" did not show any such explanation.
The docs for archive_<day|month|year> all have a line like:
   "Uses the template app_label/module_name_archive_day by default."
but the description of object_detail (for both date_based and list_based)
does not have anything to say how the template name is derived.

On a related note... I find it a bit confusing to see something like
"module_name_archive_day" to mean (in my syntax)
"<module_name>_archive_day" (i.e. the contents of the variable named
"module_name" will be followed by the string "_archive_day").

What with so many things taking 'variables' and strings and combining
them, I would suggest SOME demarcation in the docs when using the name
of a variable in a string along with other characters.  For me,
placing a variable name between <...> is clear since that doesn't show
up as real text, but something is really needed for clarity.  In part,
this did add to my misunderstandings.


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