The choices= attribute in the model defines what goes into the select box.  In this case, Constants.choices() returns a list based on the values based to the Constants constructor.  My example below has it backwards for integers. It should be:

    def choices(self):
        return [(v,k) for k,v in self.__dict__.items()]

Then for our example, the choices for Branch.kind would be [(1, 'main'), (2, 'aux'), (3, 'dead')], showing 'main', 'aux', 'dead' in the admin interface.  Nicer labels than the Python identifiers wouldn't be possible with this code, you'd have to do something more elaborate:

class K:    def __init__(self, label=None, **kwargs):
        assert(len(kwargs) == 1)
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
   = k
            self.v = v
        self.label = label or
class Constants:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.klist = args
        for k in self.klist:
            setattr(self,, k.v)
    def choices(self):
        return [(, k.label) for k in self.klist]
kBranchKind = Constants(
    K(main=1, label='Main branch'),
    K(dead=2, label='An ex-branch'),
    K(aux=3)    # I don't know how to spell 'Auxilliary' anyway!

Todd O'Bryan wrote:
Wait. How do I define the user-friendly stuff that will show up in the select box for the admin interface?


On Mar 29, 2006, at 9:59 PM, Ned Batchelder wrote:

What I've done in these cases is to define a Constants class:
    class Constants:
        """ Construct one of these with keyword arguments, and you can use the
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                setattr(self, k, v)

        def choices(self):
            return list(self.__dict__.items())
(I guess Enumeration would be a better name), then I can define a list of constants:
    kBranchKind = Constants(
        main = 1,
        aux = 2,
        dead = 3
Then in the code, you can use kBranchKind.dead, and in your model, you can use:
    class Branch(meta.Model):
        trunk = meta.ForeignKey(Trunk)
        kind = meta.IntegerField(choices=kBranchKind.choices())
It keeps the list of choices in one place, gives you run-time errors if you mistype the constant name (string literals would not), and it works just as well with strings for the values.


Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
Todd O'Bryan wrote:

Your comment at the end got me thinking, though. Writing


is not very illuminating, but you're correct that the value 'Dead'  
could get changed later. In Java, I'd use constants for the integer  

public static final int DEAD = 2;

but that seems to violate DRY, because the semantics is already  
listed in the choices list. I like using integers for what end up  
being enumerated types because they don't take much space in the  
database and, as you mentioned, it's easy to change the English  
version without having to do anything to the db representation.

Is there a better way to do this kind of thing?

This got me thinking too :-)

Generally when I need a constant in Python I don't hesitate to use 
string values for constants which are both values and names. So I'd have

    BRANCH_KINDS = (('main', 'Main'), ('aux', 'Auxiliary'), ('dead', 

I think it won't even hurt performance in DB lookups if you create index 
for this field. However this implies changing  the field to CharField 
which won't become a     


Ned Batchelder,

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