On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 04:16:09PM -0400, Max Battcher wrote:
> "pass" is the Python "do nothing" command, which is often used as an
> indicator to "fill in the blanks" with your own specific code (because
> Python doesn't allow empty functions it is often seen in psuedo-code).

yes... yes... I know that... 

>  I don't think it implies that you shouldn't raise an exception, after
> all raising an exception is valid Python code.

But that's not the point for documentation and examples of how to use
something like Django... the docs and examples should show how to do
it right -- or at least the expected way to do something or a "good"
way to do it.  I maintain that just not saving and doing nothing is
not an example of how one should handle such a case.

Unless an example shows raising an exception in this case, one might,
not unreasonably, think that perhaps one should never raise an
exception at that point in the process (e.g. "gee, it's too late to
raise an exception, Django must expect me to let the user know in my
view instead of in the model").


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