Hello, Django users and developers.

I'd been trying to handle non-ascii string (such as Japanese text) from
MySQL database for recent several days, on version 0.95
"post-magic-removal".  Django loads onto memory as raw byte strings and
saves similarly too, so string data I can see directly on database:
    (This is "hiragana" sequence, just like ABC... on English)
appers after loading on django, like this:

This is because of ignorance of "utf-8" sequence, I want to treat this
as unicode string using "unicode()" or "decode()":
but, django directly loads onto "models" object's attributes, and
treats as "CharField" string ... it doesn't take care of string

If possible, I want to propose such as "UTF8StringField" to use utf-8
string. It converts a raw byte sequence of string with decoding as
"utf-8", holds as "unicode" string internally, and saves as "utf-8"
byte sequence to database. I made a so-easy patch to fulfill this.
Maybe I don't completely read and understand through whole parts of
Django..., then excuse me. ;-) But if this feature is not implemented
yet, please use this patch.


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