I have no idea if this is the right place to post such a thing, but  
in an effort to give something back to the community, I would like to  
post a template tag I developed:

Comments are appreciated,




"Tags used by the reservation app"

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def columnize(parser, token):
         Put stuff into columns. Can also define class tags for rows  
and cells

         Usage: {% columnize num_cols [row_class 
[,row_class2...]|'' [cell_class[,cell_class2]]] %}

         num_cols:   the number of columns to format.
         row_class:  can a comma (no spaces, please) separated list  
that cycles (utilizing the cycle code)
                     can also put in '' for nothing, if you want no  
row_class, but want a cell_class.
         cell_class: same format as row_class, but the cells only  
loop within a row. Every row resets the
                     cell counter.

         Typical usage:

         <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
         {% for o in some_list %}
                {% columnize 3 %}
                <a href="{{ o.get_absolute_url }}">{{ o.name }}</a>
                {% endcolumnize %}
         {% endfor %}
     nodelist = parser.parse(('endcolumnize',))

     #Get the number of columns, default 1
     columns = 1
     row_class = ''
     cell_class = ''
     args = token.contents.split(None, 3)
     num_args = len(args)
     if num_args >= 2:
         #{% columnize columns %}
         if args[1].isdigit():
             columns = int(args[1])
             raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('The number of  
columns must be a number. "%s" is not a number.') % args[2]
     if num_args >= 3:
         #{% columnize columns row_class %}
         if "," in args[2]:
             #{% columnize columns row1,row2,row3 %}
             row_class = [v for v in args[2].split(",") if v]    #  
split and kill blanks
             row_class = [args[2]]
             if row_class == "''":
                 # Allow the designer to pass an empty string (two  
quotes) to skip the row_class and
                 #   only have a cell_class
                 row_class = []
     if num_args == 4:
         #{% columnize columns row_class cell_class %}
         if "," in args[3]:
             #{% columnize row_class cell1,cell2,cell3 %}
             cell_class = [v for v in args[3].split(",") if v]    #  
split and kill blanks
             cell_class = [args[3]]
             if cell_class == "''":
                 # This shouldn't be necessary, but might as well  
test for it
                 cell_class = []

     return ColumnizeNode(nodelist, columns, row_class, cell_class)

class ColumnizeNode(template.Node):
     def __init__(self, nodelist, columns = 1, row_class = '',  
cell_class = ''):
         self.nodelist = nodelist
         self.columns = int(columns)
         self.counter = 0
         self.rowcounter = -1
         self.cellcounter = -1
         self.row_class_len = len(row_class)
         self.row_class = row_class
         self.cell_class_len = len(cell_class)
         self.cell_class = cell_class

     def render(self, context):
         output = ''
         self.counter += 1
         if (self.counter > self.columns):
             self.counter = 1
             self.cellcounter = -1

         if (self.counter == 1):
             output = '<tr'
             if self.row_class:
                 self.rowcounter += 1
                 output += ' class="%s">' % self.row_class 
[self.rowcounter % self.row_class_len]
                 output += '>'

         output += '<td'
         if self.cell_class:
             self.cellcounter += 1
             output += ' class="%s">' % self.cell_class 
[self.cellcounter % self.cell_class_len]
             output += '>'

         output += self.nodelist.render(context) + '</td>'

         if (self.counter == self.columns):
             output += '</tr>'

         return output

register.tag('columnize', columnize)

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