On 6/30/06, mamcxyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm building a site for restaurants, like a yellow pages.
> I wanna provide listing based in state / city /zones. Some citys in
> Colombia are "Medellín", "Santa Marta" and so on...
> So, the url are transformed to Medell%C3%ADn and Santa%20Marta.
> Easy, I think... in the urls:
> (r'^(?P<depto>[a-zA-Z0-9%\-]+)/(?P<city>[a-zA-Z0-9%\-]+)/$',
> 'restaurant.views.byCity' ),
> to match depto and city.
> I test this in the interactive mode:
> re.match(r'^(?P<depto>[a-zA-Z0-9%\-]+)/(?P<city>[a-zA-Z0-9%\-]+)/$',r'a/Bogot%C3%A1/').groups()
> >>('a', 'Bogot%C3%A1')
> However, the django site not can found this...
> Page not found (404)
> I don't find another regular _expression_ that work fine....

The %C3%AD is just escaping for the URL, and isn't actually a character you'll see from the web server.

The unicode character í is U+00ED.  A matching regex would be:

How did I get from C3AD to 00ED?
I guessed that the URL is escaped UTF-8.



1110 1101
E    D    

url (escaped utf-8)
range pattern:
110x xxxx 10xx  xxxx

The unicode bits:
       11   10  1101

left zero-pad the bits:
1100 0011 1010  1101
C    3    A     D

Yep, it's escaped UTF-8 since the escaped chars match the bit pattern for UTF-8-encoded U+00ED.

So, unless I'm a moron (in the Pilgrim sense[1]), in general, you can expect to get UTF-8 URLs.

See UTF-8 on Wikipedia if you're totally confused.  :)


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