> Recall I'd like to make a table with each row in the table being a
> "form" for a paired Author-Book item (recall my book-author is 1-1).
> If I make an Author formset and a Books formset and then render them
> in the template it's not clear to me that the book part of the form
> would in fact correspond to the author part of the form. Actually... I
> expect I'd need to have nested for loops to loop over both formsets
> and that is not what I want...
> {% for AuthorForm in AuthorFormset.forms %}
> {% for BookForm in BookFormset.forms %}
> <tr><td><AuthorForm</td><td>BookForm</td></tr>
> {% endfor %}
> {% endfor %}
> will not give the desired result.

Not nested loops no, but a loop that renders each AuthorForm and its
twin BookForm. You'd probably want a template tag for that.

> Regarding the one form idea... I'm new enough to django that it's not
> clear to me how to "pre-populate" the formset in that case with the
> data from the database. While I'm aware of the "initial" parameter in
> the formset constructor it doesn't appear that was meant to initialize
> a form with rows from a database. So it seems that I'd lose the
> information that my initial data actually corresponds to items that
> already exist in the database.

That part is easy: just pass in a list of dictionaries that comprise
the existing data, which you can get from a query.



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