Drats!  It looks like my HTML table came out jumbled.  I'll try to
post it somewhere where it is more legible.  But, it will be a few

One idea that came to mind after I submitted my question was to break
out the results column into individual booleans.  So, my model would
look more like:

Class AtBat(model.models):
  hit = BooleanField()
  strikeOut = BooleanField()
  walk = BooleanField()

That would allow me to sum those columns like:
select sum('hit'), sum('strikeOut'), sum('walk') from AtBat

But, I'm not sure I like this because some columns are mutually
exclusive.  You can't have a walk and a strike out at the same 'at

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 2:19 PM, darren <backdoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm looking for ideas on the best way to approach this problem.
> Should I write raw SQL, stay with the ORM or even mix Javascript with
> either ORM or SQL?
> I want to keep up with player stats for a baseball team.  I've been
> reading up on aggregates and annotations.  And, I'm getting somewhere
> with it.  But, not quite all the way yet.  I  also wrote some SQL that
> accomplishes most everything I need all at once.  I think I could run
> with it, too.
> To calculate things like "on base percentage" or "batting average", I
> need to mix math both vertically and horizontally in the table.  One
> way I thought about handling this is to build an HTML table of data
> using a queryset based on this example in the Django documentation:
> Book.objects.aggregate(Avg('price'), Max('price'), Min('price'))
> except, I would need something that summed 3 or 4 different columns.
> At that point, I could use javascript to Sum() the total of each and
> calculate averages.  So, a table would be built like:
>          A            B              C                D            E
>                                 F
>             G                                     H
> Player Name |  Hits  |  Strike Outs  |  Walks  |  Fouled Out |
> Javascript Calcuated Total at Bats |  Javascript Calc. Batting AVG  |
> Javasctipt On Base %
> Player 1             3              2                5             2
>                         A+B+C+D+E
>  B/F                              (B+D)/F
> Player 2             4              2                5             1
>                         A+B+C+D+E
>  B/F                              (B+D)/F
> My models contain 3 tables that join people, tournaments and an "at
> bat".  The "AtBat" class is where the statistical data will be
> recorded. The model looks like this.  So, I'm saving one result per
> record:
> 101  class AtBat(models.Model):
> 102     atbat_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
> 103     player = models.ForeignKey(Person, to_field='f_name',
> verbose_name='Player', limit_choices_to={'relationship' : 'Player' })
> 104     game = models.ForeignKey(Score, to_field='scores_id',
> verbose_name='Game')
> 105     result = models.CharField('Result', choices=(('H', 'Hit'),
> ('BB', 'Walk'), ('K', 'Strike Out'), ('FO', 'Ground or Fly Out'),
> ('Sacrifice', 'Sacrafice')), max_length=10)
> One of my goals would be to allow users to select certain players,
> date ranges or games to filter the results. I'm not sure how that
> might impact the solution.
> Any suggestions?

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