Bytheway Joomla is also a framework.. is a Content Management
Framework. I've been using it for years but I have to say that from a
performance point of view is CRAP.

I also think that the scopes of Django and Joomla are very different.
Django will never have the large adoption that Joomla has, because
Joomla is focused on the community and has a so called community
driven development (hilarious from my point of view).
Django has a development that is driven by a community of smart
developers, while Joomla has a development that is driven by a
community in which the majority are not-so-good self-proclaimed web
masters that do absurd feature requests.

Joomla is for the mass, Django is for the nieche.. and personally I'm
happy with it.

On Jun 16, 9:24 pm, Hooshyar <> wrote:
> Many thanks to V and others who have contributed to this topic.
> More info. I guess I am coming up to speed now. The decision makers
> are not managers, but a private organization who members will read
> both proposals and ask questions from both vendors. At then end they
> vote democratically. One member, one vote. For the most part the
> members are not computer experts. They care about ease of use as they
> would be operating the final programs/modules -- be it updating the
> content of the public side of the web site or in the back-office
> applications. For this reason I have suspected that a simple user
> interface will do the job, and therefore, I am better off just develop
> the programs as opposed to adopting one CMS and be restricted to that
> interface. I have a team of Django developers. I cannot say we are the
> best, but we are very comfortable and rapid developers in the Django
> environment.
> Good questions, V. Thanks
> .
> > You need to answer questions like:
> > - Will your platform be flexible enough to support changing
> > requirements?
> > - Will the client be able to find maintainers if you get hit by a bus
> > or are too busy to work on the site?
> > - If the site is redesigned in 2-3 years, how difficult will it be to
> > migrate the current content?
> > - How easy will the site be to use for the content editors?
> > - If 3rd party functionality is buggy or ceases to be maintained, how
> > difficult will it be to fix/maintain internally?
> > - Will the site be as easy to maintain, improve 2 years from now as it
> > is now?
> > - When a new version of your platform is released, how easy will the
> > upgrade process be?
> > These questions directly effect the viability of your proposal to your
> > client in the long run. I think platforms in general come out better
> > than CMSs in these areas (and Django in particular).
> > Here is a general critique of CMS systems in general compared to
> > frameworks:
> Great article. I learned few things. Specially this one: "... but the
> software crosses the line into content management systems when it
> starts providing default user-experiences out of the box. This means
> you have to un-do the way default behavior works and apply what you
> want as desired behavior rather than writing behavior from scratch."
> Very interesting. He explained this one in such a way even a 4-year-
> old could understand.
> Regards,
> Hooshyar

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