On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:04 PM, Michael Hipp <mich...@hipp.com> wrote:

> I will be sending pdfs generated from django and would like to email them
> but without writing them to the filesystem.
> I can generate the pdf to a buffer but django.core.mail seems to only
> handle attachments that are specified as a filename. Is it possible to give
> it a file-like object instead?
Did you see the documentation regarding creating an EmailMessage and the
attach() method?

It says:

"""You can pass it a single argument that is an
email.MIMEBase.MIMEBaseinstance. This will be inserted directly into
the resulting message."""

Maybe you should create your own message using some of the examples:

Another idea: In what type of operating environment are you? If you are in
linux you can use /dev/shm [0]

In [1]: import tempfile
In [2]: my_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='/dev/shm/')
In [3]: my_file.name
Out[3]: '/dev/shm/tmpD0tjnI'
In [4]: ls /dev/shm/tmp*


hope it helps,


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