On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Feross <fer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> SQLAlchemy is that hard to use? I've only heard good things about it... In
> any case, I'm giving Django a shot right now. I'm still curious to hear some
> opinions about Pylons vs. Django.
The main difference between SQLAlchemy and Django's ORM is that Django's ORM
is fully integrated within a web development framework. Let's say that you
want to have a model that will include an email address, it would me
something like this:

email = models.EmailField(xxxx)

By having that said in the model, you can inherit that into a form that will
automatically verify whether the data you are trying to enter is a valid
email address whereas SQLAlchemy is just an ORM,

SQLAlchemy is just an ORM (well, ORM is just one part of what it really is)
and it is probably the most powerful ORM in the market now. You can do very
complex data handling and exchange with a very stable persistence layer that
will give you a lot of power

This is a huge topic and those differences must be studied. Whether you want
a fully capable web framework or if your data processing is very complex is
up to you, your app and your skills

Hope that helps

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