A few points:

* It's as easy to swap components in Django as it is with Pylons. The
main difference is that Django components are well integrated in the
framework so 1/ you don't have much to do to use them and 2/ you loose
some very usefull features - that just don't exist OOTB in Pylons - if
you don't use them.

* SQLAlchemy is possibly the most feature-complete, comprehensive and
powerful "SQL layer" (much more than just "an ORM" ) ever written. Now
this comes with a price : complexity and learning curve. That's what
I'd choose for a truely complex and critical RDBMs based app, but
definitly NOT for most web apps.

As an experienced Python and web developper, while I do think Pylons
is possibly one of the most flexible and powerful web frameworks
around, I still prefer Django for it's level of integration and ease
of use. I've been using Django since the 0.96 days, and I'm still
waiting for a project I'd rather do with Pylons.

My 2 cents...

On 5 sep, 06:51, Feross <fer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm a new Python user and I'm looking for a web development framework to
> build a database-driven website. I've looked at the various Python web
> frameworks out there and I've settled on either Django or Pylons, but I'm
> not sure which to choose.
> Things I've heard about Django that I like:
> - All the Django documentation is in one place.
> - The community is larger = more help for newbies.
> - It has a handy admin interface for adding content quickly.
> Things I've heard about Pylons that I like:
> - It's easier to customize and swap components in and out.
> - It uses SQLAlchemy out of the box. (I've never used it, but I hear that
> it's better than Django's ORM)
> - It uses Mako out of the box. (Again, I've never used it, but I hear that
> it's better than Django's templating system).
> I'm not sure how important SQLAlchemy and Mako support is, so I'd like to
> hear opinions from some more experienced Python and Django users.
> Thanks,
> Feross

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