On 27 sep, 10:57, Thomas Weholt <thomas.weh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, I see your point, but still -  there`s nothing about this in the
> main django documentation as far as I know. The docs should have a
> section about organizing projects where the standard models.py and
> views.py doesn`t fit anymore.

FWIW, the first solution - refactoring modules into apps - is common
Python knowledge, and the second - refactoring into smallest apps - is
obviously encouraged by Django's philosophy, even if there are
currently some discussions about the django app as a reuseable unit.
Also, I've yet to see any framework / language / whatever
documentation mentionning any useful guideline wrt/ project's
growth !-)

Now to the point : the fact is there's no hard rule here, and it kinda
depends on your own project AND personal tastes. For some projects -
even big ones - it makes more sense to keep most of the code in the
same app and refactor modules into packages, because there's just too
much intricacy to allow for anye sane decoupling. For some other apps,
you'll easily spot a "core" part everything else depends upon and a
number of "modules" (in the generic - not Python - meaning) that
depends on the core but not on each other.  You'll often find yourself
using third-parts "pluggable" apps too, so you often need an extra
"main" app taking care of the integration of your own apps and third-
part ones.

But really, this all boils down to dependancies management, and as
such is neither specific to Django nor Python.

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