On 6 oct, 16:42, Fred <frse...@adventistcare.org> wrote:
> My django app is working great with Debug=True.  But now I'm in
> production and I want to email exceptions to me

That's the default behaviour if you correctly filled the relevant
parts of your settings.py (that is, mainly, the ADMINS, and all the
SMTP_xxx parts if your smtp server requires it).

> and print them to my
> logfile.

This requires a bit more work.

>  I've been googling and searching the docs for the last 2
> hours



1/ create a python module somewhere in your python path (ie : in your
project dir or in one of your apps)

2/ in that module, define a class with at least one of
'process_request', 'process_response' or 'process_exception' methods
(more details in the FineManual)

3/ in your settings.py, add the full qualified  name (ie :
'yourapp.yourmodule.youclass')  to the  MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES entry

Which of these points do you have probems with ?

> and what I really need is a snippet that shows how to do it in
> middleware/settings.py.
> I've never defined my own middleware and I'm
> just treading water.  I've combined everything into my settings.py
> file to make it easier to explain, even if that may be bad design for
> now.

It's not "bad design", it just won't work.

>  Here's as far as I've gotten; which just times out on even valid
> requests:
> ----------------------------
> settings.py---------------------------------------------------------------
> partial
> def init_logging():
>     formatter   = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %
> (levelname)s - %(message)s")
>     filelogger  = logging.getLogger()
>     filehandler = logging.FileHandler(LOGFILEPATH)
>     filelogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>     filehandler.setFormatter(formatter)
>     filelogger.addHandler(filehandler)
> logInitDone=False
> if not logInitDone:
>     logInitDone = True
>     init_logging()
> logger = logging.getLogger("settings")  #verified this logger does
> work.
> def process_exception(self, request, exception):
>     logger.debug(str(request))
>     logger.debug(str(exception))
>     return None

All The above has nothing to do in the settings. You need to define a
middleware *class* in a distinct module and make 'process_exception' a
method of this class.

>     'process_exception',  #if I comment this out, system works, with
> it in response hangs even without error

this should be something like

>     'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
>     'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
>  #   'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware',
>  #   'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
>     'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware',
> )

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