I was once in your shoes. No real resume experience to show... no
sites to display my knowledge.

My advice... makes more friends. It's all in who you know. Met some at
an intro html course at a community college, ended up being good
friends. He was a developer already, but a few years later he tells me
about a company he got placed at and said I could easily do the
work... then he helped me get an interview, then I got hired...
knowing basic stuff.

Moral of the story, network

On Dec 17, 12:03 pm, Dopster <ken.kyhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *This is a question that can be generalized for any other amateur
> programmers looking to get into software development, and specifically
> startups. I specify Django/Python in my own details below, but it can be
> replaced with PHP, Ruby, etc.*
> As an amateur, how could I position myself to get in the door at an
> established startup (i.e., not founding team) or web dev shop as a junior
> Django/[insert language/framework here] developer? What could I do that
> would give me a chance of getting a job? My guess is that actually building
> something is the right way to go about this?
> Build a really simple web app? Build a web resume? Start a technical blog?
> Contribute to open source? (though as an amateur, making meaningful
> contributions is unlikely...)
> ------------------------------
> My own personal details, as to define what I mean by "amateur":
> Academic CS knowledge:
>    - Non-CS degree
>    - Two Java courses in college as a non-CS engineer (4+ years ago), which
>    I admittedly have since forgotten, but helped me establish...
>    - Comfort with basic CS elements (i.e., classes, functions, basic data
>    structures, control flow tools, etc.)
> Practical experience (from a failed startup and work):
>    - 1 year of HTML/CSS/JS
>    - 1 year of PHP
>    - 3 years of SQL (mySQL, Oracle, MS Access)
>    - 2 years of VBA development in Excel/Access (front-end and back-end)

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