Thanks everyone for your valuable suggestions!

On Mar 8, 3:23 am, Michael Radziej <> wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2011 21:49:45 -0800 (PST), ajaishankar <> 
> wrote:
> > I do know we can tweak the admin to restrict querysets etc. and also
> > override admin templates - but is admin preferable in this situation?
> > Or is it better to treat all this as a front end web app, and start
> > work on fresh pages.
> The admin pages usually are a compromise for a user interface. They have
> to be very generic and as such are usually not the best fit. I usually
> stay away from them when they need more than trivial customization. It's more 
> open
> to changes (and you don't get big eyes from your customer because
> changing this little detail needs so much additional effort). The admin
> pages are also very simple to implement as views.
> Anyway, your mileage may vary, and it all depends on the
> circumstances. If leaving admin pages means writing hundreds of views,
> or if the admin pages really fit the user interaction in your
> application, it might make sense to stay with them.
> As a rule of thumb: When understanding the customization is harder than
> writing a view, there's probably not much sense in using the admin.
> Hope that helps
> Michael

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