[ *sigh* - I wish the web UI to google groups had an 80-column marker. ]
[ Sorry for the formatting in the previous message.  I'm used to hitting ]
[ enter. ]

Thanks for the reply, Jacob.

That gets us somewhere, because authenticating to Apache/LDAP as jblaine
did NOT make a Django user jblaine.

So that's one part of the problem.

The second is that creating jblaine by hand, and setting it is_staff and 
superuser, did not then do anything.  I authenticate to Apache/LDAP fine
then see the Django 'Admin' login screen with empty username/password
form fields.

Here's the whole Apache Directory section for the WSGI, in case something
jumps out:

  <Directory "/rcfwebapps/apps/hostdb/rcfhostdb/apache">
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "G06A Host Database: Secure"
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
    AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute uid
    AuthLDAPUrl "ldap://ldap-prod.our.org:389/o=our.org";
    Require ldap-attribute departmentname=RCF
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Any clever ideas for where to shim some debugging code to see what is
happening in the native Django stuff?

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