This is really excellent - thanks for releasing it.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Ryan Kelly <> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I've just released a little experiment in combining the process
> management awesomeness of supervisord with the convenience of Django's
> management scripts.  It's called, funnily enough, django-supervisor:
>  The concept is simple:  instead of having supervisord in charge of
> Django, why not put Django in charge of supervisord?
>  If you've got a Django project that needs to keep several processes
> running at once (e.g. celeryd or celerybeat) then this might be the app
> for you.  You can:
>   * manage all your processes with `python supervisor`.
>   * keep your process definitions and configuration inside your
>     Django project directory.
>   * use Django's template system to construct the supervisord config
>     file, interpolating environment variables or settings as you need.
>   * merge pre-defined configuration files from all the INSTALLED_APPS,
>     and tweak or override them on a per-project basis.
>   * auto-reload all running processes when your code changes
>    (but only in debug mode of course)
>  All comments, questions, feedback and criticism welcome.  I hope you
> find it useful.
>  Cheers,
>      Ryan
> --
> Ryan Kelly
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