On 2011-06-13, at 18:45 , Shawn Milochik wrote:
> Is there a consensus in the community that GET should be used for
> requests that don't write to the database? As a specific example, let's
> say there's a report form that allows a user to select a start and end
> date, and maybe some other search fields. What would you use for this,
> and why?

The contract of GET is that it's safe (it perform no operation other than data 
retrieval and pure computations), GET is idempotent (performing N GET has the 
same effect on the system's visible state than performing one, or zero), GET 
can be cached and prefetched. That's the whole point of GET. GET also maps the 
application state to the URL directly, allowing for saving and sharing state 
(and virtual location) between machines and people.

If I query the report system and get an interesting report, if the system 
correctly uses GET I can send the URL to Instapaper, to my desktop (if I'm on a 
mobile phone) or to a colleague, and these three systems will see what I had in 
hand. I can also get the report back from my history if I want to check 
something again in half an hour, I don't need to remember the parameters (which 
I'm not even sure I could do) let alone go through a potentially lengthy and 
multi-step wizard I have no need for. And there's more: depending on the 
architectural elements between my machine and your server, it's possible that 
none of the subsequent requests even had to hit your machines, resulting in a 
resource draw of 0.

The over-reliance on POST is a pox, a bane on the modern web, not helped by 
browsers still refusing to implement further standard HTTP/1.1 methods (such as 
PUT and DELETE). And I'm not even mentioning extension methods (PATCH for 

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