Hi, Kevin.  Thanks for your reply.

I actually don't want to show the entered values - I basically want
the original form with values prior to the user submitting the form -
but with the validation errors that prompt them to enter new values in
the proper fields.  I have already overridden the particular field's
clean method (clean_guests), but I don't understand how to preserve
the field's original value.

class RegistrationForm(ModelForm):
    guests = forms.IntegerField(error_messages={'invalid': 'Please
enter a number greater than zero.'})

    # enforce role/price limits
    def clean_guests(self):
        data = self.cleaned_data['guests']
        if self.instance.price.parent.price_limit:
            spaces_available = self.instance.price.spaces_available
            delta = data - self.instance.guests
            if delta > 0:
                if spaces_available == 1 and delta > 1:
                    print self.instance.guests
                    raise forms.ValidationError("There is only 1 more
space available for this role.")
                elif spaces_available > 1 and delta >
                    raise forms.ValidationError("There are only %s
more spaces available for this role." % spaces_available)
                    raise forms.ValidationError("Sorry, there are no
more spaces available for this role.")

        return data

    class Meta:
        model = JosJeventsRegistration
        fields = ['id', 'guests']

My view creates the form with the POST data in the standard fashion:

        if request.method == 'POST':
            fs = RegistrationFormSet(request.POST)
            if fs.is_valid():

Which passes the form with the same post data and some error messages
back to the user.

On Jun 22, 1:14 am, Kevin Renskers <i...@bolhoed.net> wrote:
> If I understand this correctly, then you want something like this?
> 1) Show a form to edit something
> 2) User changes fields, submits the form
> 3) If the form was not valid, not only show the errors and the form with the
> entered values, but also the *old* values, pre-edit.
> I think your best bet is to create custom valid_field() validation functions
> in the form class, which access the form instance to show the old values in
> the error message.

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