Hi all,

I am trying to use generic CreateView class to handle forms for a set
of models inherited from the same base class.

    class BaseContent(models.Model):

    class XContent(BaseContent):

    class YContent(BaseContent):

To keep things DRY, I want to define one CreateView class that will
handle all inherited classes from BaseContent.

The url pattern for that view is:

ContentCreateView.as_view(), name='content_add')

Something like this should work:

    class ContentCreateView(CreateView):
        template_name = 'content_form.html'

        def get_model(self, request):
            # 'content' is the name of the application; model_name is
'xcontent', 'ycontent', ...
            return ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key('content',

But I am getting this exception:

ContentCreateView is missing a queryset. Define
ContentCreateView.model, ContentCreateView.queryset, or override

This suggestion does not seem to hold as I am not willing to set a
class attribute like `model` or `queryset` to keep the model form
generated dynamic. Overriding the `get_object` does not seem relevant
for creating an object.

I tried overriding `get_queryset()` but this method does not accept
the `request` parameter, nor have access to `self.model_name` which
comes from the url pattern.

So, (how) can I make a CreateView use a dynamic form based on a
parameter passed from the url?


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