
#models.py file

from django.db import models
from django.forms import ModelForm
from django import forms

class Questxs(models.Model):

    quest1 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '1. Have you ever had sexual intercourse?',
        blank = False,
        choices = YESNO,
        max_length = 5,

    quest2 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '2. At what age did you begin sexual intercuorse?',
        blank = False,
        choices = AGE,
        max_length = 5,
        null = True,

    quest3 =models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '3. When was the last time you had sexual
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS1,
        max_length = 25,

    quest4 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '4. What decription best fits this person',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS2,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest5 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '5. Is this partner older or younger than you?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS3,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest6 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '6. When did you first have sexual intercourse with
your most recent partner?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS4,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest7 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '7. When did you last have sexual intercourse with
this person?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS4,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True,

    quest8 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '8. The last time you had sexual intercourse with
this partner, did you or this partner use a condom? ',
        blank = False,
        choices = YESNO,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest9 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '9. Do you have children with this person? ',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS5,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True,

    quest10 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '10. Are you still having sex with this person?',
        blank = False,
        choices = YESNO,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest11 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '11. How often do you have sex with this person?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS6,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest12 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '12. Do you have sex with this person because you
want to or because you feel you have to?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS7,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest13 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '13. Has he/she ever assisted you either with
financial or material support?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS8,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest14 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '14. Do you know or believe that this person has
other sexual partners?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS9,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest15 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '15. Do you know the HIV status of this partner?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS10,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest16 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '16. Where does this person live relative to your
primary residence?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS11,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest17 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '17. Were you and/or your partner drunk or on drugs
the last time you had sex?',
        blank = False,
        choices = YESNO,
        max_length = 5,

    quest18 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '18. Have you had any other sexual partners in the
past 12 months?',
        blank = False,
        choices = YESNO,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest19 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '19. Have you had any other sexual partners in the
past 12 months?',
        blank = False,
        choices = YESNO,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest20 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '20. In the last 12 months with how many people
OVERALL have you had sexual intercourse, including the last 3 partners we
have discussed?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS14,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest21 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '21. In the last one month with how many people
OVERALL have you had sexual intercourse?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS15,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest22 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '22. How often do you have a drink containing
alcohol? (in a week or in a month)',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS16,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest23 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '23. How much alcohol do you drink on a typical day
when you are drinking? (instructions specify by type of alcohol and size of
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS17,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest24 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '24. How often do you have six or more units of
alcohol on one occasion?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS18,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest25 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '25. How often during the last year have you found
that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS18,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest26 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '26. How often during the last year have you failed
to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS18,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest27 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '27. How often during the last year have you needed a
first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS18,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest28 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '28. How often during the last year have you had a
feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS18,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest29 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '29. How often during the last year have you been
unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been
drinking? ',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS18,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest30 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '30. Have you or someone else been injured as a
result of your drinking? ',
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS19,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    quest31 = models.CharField(
        verbose_name = '31. Has a relative or friend or doctor or another
health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
        blank = False,
        choices = OPTIONS19,
        max_length = 25,
        null = True

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "Questionnaire %s" % (self.id)


from django.contrib import admin
from models import Questxs

class QuestxsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    radio_fields = {

        "quest1": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest2": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest3": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest4": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest5": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest6": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest7": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest8": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest9": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest10": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest11": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest12": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest13": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest14": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest13": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest14": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest15": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest16": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest17": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest18": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest19": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest20": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest21": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest22": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest23": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest24": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest25": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest26": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest27": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest28": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest29": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest30": admin.VERTICAL,
        "quest31": admin.VERTICAL,


admin.site.register(Questxs, QuestxsAdmin)


    ('1', 'Yes'),
    ('0', 'No'),

AGE = (
    ('<=20', '<=20'),
    ('21-30', '21-30'),
    ('31-40', '31-40'),
    ('>=40', '>=40'),

    ('In the last 12 months', 'In the last 12 months'),
    ('13-14 months ago', '13-14 months ago'),
    ('>24 months ago', '>24 months ago'),


    ('Spouse', 'Spouse'),
    ('Steady partner who lives with you/cohabitating partner', 'Steady
partner who lives with you/cohabitating partner'),
    ('Steady partner not living with you', 'Steady partner not living with
    ('Casual acquintance', 'Casual acquintance'),
    ('Sex worker', 'Sex worker'),
    ('Other', 'Other'),
    ('Dont know', 'Dont know'),
    ('No response', 'No response'),


    ('<1 year younger', '<1 year younger'),
    ('2-3 years younger', '2-3 years younger'),
    ('4-5 years younger', '4-5 years younger'),
    ('6-10 years younger', '6-10 years younger'),
    ('<1 year older', '<1 year older'),
    ('2-3 years older', '2-3 years older'),
    ('4-5 years older', '4-5 years older'),
    ('6-10 years older', '6-10 years older'),

    ('days ago', 'days ago'),
    ('weeks ago', 'weeks ago'),
    ('months ago', 'months ago'),
    ('years ago','years ago'),

    ('yes,one child','yes, one child'),
    ('yes, more than one child','yes, more than one child'),
    ('Dont know','Dont know'),
    ('No response','No response'),

    ('Days per week','Days per week'),
    ('Days per month','Days per month'),
    ('Days per year','Days per year'),
    ('Only once', 'Only once'),
    ('When i am in the mood i will see him/her', 'When i am in the mood i
will see him/her'),
    ('When i am in town', 'When i am in town'),
    ('When i am fighting with my main partner', 'When i am fighting with my
main partner'),
    ('When i happen to see him/her, we end having sex', 'When i happen to
see him/her, we end having sex'),
    ('When there  is no one else available', 'When there  is no one else
    ('When i need somethimg from him/her', 'When i need somethimg from
    ('When i am broke', 'When i am broke'),
    ('Other', 'Other'),
    ('Dont know', 'Dont know'),
    ('No response', 'No response'),


    ('want to','want to'),
    ('have to', 'have to'),
    ('Dont know/not sure','Dont know/not sure'),
    ('No response', 'No response')

    ('No', 'No'),
    ('Yes, rarely', 'Yes, rarely'),
    ('Yes, occasionally', 'Yes, occasionally'),
    ('Yes, frequently', 'Yes, frequently'),
    ('Dont know', 'Dont know'),
    ('No response', 'No response'),

    ('No dosent have', 'No dosent have'),
    ('Not sure', 'Not sure'),
    ('Yes, I KNOW he/ she has other partners', 'Yes, I KNOW he/ she has
other partners'),
    ('Yes I BELIEVE he/she has other partners', 'Yes I BELIEVE he/she has
other partners'),
    ('No response','No response'),
    ('Yes and the partner has HIV','Yes and the partner has HIV'),
    ('Yes and the partner doess not have HIV','Yes and the partner does not
have  HIV'),
    ('In same household','In same household'),
    ('In same town as primary residence','In same town as primary
    ('In town where I work','In town where I work'),
    ('In area where I travel for work','In area where I travel for work'),
    ('In area where I travel for personal reasons','In area where I travel
for personal reasons'),



    ('One', 'One'),
    ('Two', 'Two'),
    ('Three', 'Three'),
    ('More', 'More'),


    ('Never', 'Never'),
    ('Monthly or less', 'Monthly or less'),
    ('2-4 times a month', '2-4 times a month'),
    ('2-3 times a week', '2-3 times a week'),
    ('4 or more times a week', '4 or more times a week'),

    ('1 or 2', '1 or 2'),
    ('3 or 4', '3 or 4'),
    ('5 or 6', '5 or 6'),
    ('7, 8 or 9', '7, 8 or 9'),
    ('10 or more', '10 or more'),

    ('Never', 'Never'),
    ('Less than monthly', 'Less than monthly'),
    ('Monthly', 'Monthly'),
    ('Weekly', 'Weekly'),
    ('Almost daily', 'Almost daily')

    ('No', 'No'),
    ('Yes, but not in the last year', 'Yes, but not in the last year'),
    ('Yes, over last year', 'Yes, over last year')


from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

# Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:
from django.contrib import admin

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # Example:
    # (r'^questionSite/', include('questionSite.foo.urls')),
    #(r'^questions/(?P<question_id>\d+)/$', 'questions.views.detail'),
    # Uncomment the admin/doc line below and add 'django.contrib.admindocs'
    #(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
    # to INSTALLED_APPS to enable admin documentation:

    # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
    (r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

so this gives me a questionnaire but i kind of hard coded the question and i
am not using my own templete but i want to use my own templete, of which i
suppose i will nid to use the views file and may other file so that is what
i am failing to do.

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