On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Geoff Kuenning <ge...@cs.hmc.edu> wrote:
> On Jul 4, 11:10 pm, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> All of this is explained in the docs. Read the docs.
> He did; he said he did in his previous posting.  But although the docs
> are far better than many, I'm not sure I've _ever_ seen documentation
> that answered every question perfectly.  Add that to the fact that
> English isn't his first language, and from painful personal experience
> I can deeply sympathize with the fact that he didn't absorb everything
> on the first try.

He read the docs, but he still had no idea of how to progress. So I
gave him a step by step precis of what he needed to change (which you
helpfully chopped out, making out like I replied just telling him to
RTFM), and told him to re-read the docs again.

Have you read the documentation I linked to? It actually does answer
that question perfectly.


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