On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <
cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:

> Tbh, it would be easy enough to create a web front end, similar to SO,
> which uses django-users archive as a backend. Sure it'd be read only to
> begin with.. and im not sure how you'd handle quoted / inline messages.. but
> food for thought at least.
Btw, askbot is a kindof-SO clone - built on django.

I think IRC and mailing list are a good combination with the added goodness
of SO. I use IRC for quick questions - especially when i am half asleep and
need a 'third' eye to look at the code (i.e, when i need a nudge). IRC can
*never* be forgotten - it is the heart, brain and soul of the developer
community. There are so many 'newbie' questions, but IRC still survives. I
have asked some of the most stupid questions on IRC (for eg, last week when
i was half asleep and a form was not getting submitted right - i wanted it
to Post but it was doing a Get - i had changed 'method' to 'name' by
mistake! harakiri!)

Mailing list is *only* when i have very specific questions - for eg. the
thread on 'complex query...' thats active now. But, i feel the mailing list
*sometimes* does not help immediately - and also lacks the cohesiveness that
would expected. For eg. we see quiet a lot of reposts and newbie every week
- we have to live with this. People should seearch the archives or a quick
google should always help, but you cannot always educate everyone.

Generally or most of the time , people are busy, and using 'just one'
channel of communication doesn't always help. I generally follow this
workflow for asking Qs ...
Try -> Google  -> IRC -> contact the author of the app(if present and
active) -> django-users -> Try more else try a different solution.

For eg. i recently encountered a problem wherein endless_pagination didnt
seem to work with multiple paginators on the same page.
I tried,  then googled(no posts on this) also docs didnt explain it right,
contacted jezdez and author(frank), frank responded with a solution which
was not present in the doc, created a quick
posterity in github (need to follow up with a blogpost); and now since
the solution is present - this needs to be suitably documented in the docs
too. So  now, if you see - we have 2 places of documentation : blog(which i
am yet to write) and the original docs. App specific information is best
preserved in the docs; and any other tips or tricks should ideally be placed
as a knowledge repository.

I would recommend having a repository of django articles which can be
searched upon easily with good features added to it (for eg facets etc) -
ideally if this is hosted at djangoproject - then it would be ideal.


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