
If I wouldn't have a dedicated server, I would choose a hosting
where I can deploy the (mostly) exact project as I do on my own
This for the reason of portability and because of avoiding the
learning curve..

You could have a look at [1]. These days there are lots of provider
like Dotcloud.

Ken inspired me with his blog [2] and in fact I am deploying a new
project to Dotcloud.

[1] https://www.dotcloud.com/


On Aug 8, 7:23 pm, francescortiz <francescor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have dedicated server sites and django hosting sites. Personally, I
> prefer that someone else takes care of the server and focus myself on
> development. So, unless you need to use a lot of resources for some
> reason, dedicated django hostings are ok to me.
> About google apps, I never used it.
> Regards,
> Francesc
> On Aug 5, 1:48 pm, Herman Schistad <herman.schis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > I'm developing a site with approx. 500 visits per day, mainly from
> > Norway (Europe).
> > Now I'm trying to find the best possible way to host this site.
> > Earlier I've used dedicated hosts like WebFaction and Djangoeurope,
> > and this has worked pretty well.
> > However Google AppEnginge is free and provides a really reliable
> > server (as far as I can tell). But I'm no expert on this matter and
> > therefore come to you guys.
> > What is the tradeoff between using Google AppEngine (with
> > django-nonrel [1]), learning this, and writing my application for the
> > Google datastore versus using a traditional host.
> > Are there any big challanges by using AppEngine?
> > A third alternative would to maybe invest in e.g. dedicated virtual
> > machine at MediaTemple[2] or something.
> > So what it all boils down to: which is your preffered hosting method,
> > and why/why not?
> > - Google AppEngine
> > - Dedicated django hosting (e.g. WebFaction[3])
> > - Virtual server/dedicated server (e.g. MediaTemple)
> > tl;dr: pros/cons with Google AppEngine, and which hosting method is
> > your preferred method?
> > [1]:http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/django.html
> > [2]:http://mediatemple.net/webhosting/dv/
> > [3]:http://www.webfaction.com/
> > --
> > With regards, Herman Schistad

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