On Monday, 17 October 2011 12:18:00 UTC+1, youpsla wrote:
> hello again, sorry for eventually annoying. But later in the Django 
> tutorial, 
> there is this code: 
> from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url 
> ..................................... 
> urlpatterns = patterns('', 
>     (r'^polls/$', 'polls.views.index'), 
>     ......................)), 
> ) 
> What I understand here is that "patterns", "include" and "url" modules 
> are imported. 
> After the result of the function "patterns" is assigned to 
> "urlpatterns". AS Daniel said that a function can't be imported, this 
> means that a method can be called (but not imported) or this means 
> that a function and a method are not the same thing ? 
> Regards 
> Alain 

I didn't say that a function can't be imported. It definitely can. As you 
say, function and method aren't the same thing - a method is a function that 
belongs to a class. It's not possible to import just a method, because 
there's no way of referring to it except via the class. But anything at the 
base level of a module - whether it's a class, a function, a variable, 
anything - *can* be imported.

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