On Monday, 17 October 2011 12:04:41 UTC+1, youpsla wrote:
> Thanks you 2 for your answers. 
> I think I've understood now. Again I apologize for the newby Python 
> question but I've read three times "Dive in Python" and it hasn't made 
> me thnigs clear. That's the reason why I've posted. 
> I thought there was a hierarchy like this models.Model.CharField .... 
> That's the reason why I didn't understood. 
> Daniel, you said, that a method can be imported, this mean that an 
> external method (method from a class like Model) can't be used 
> directly in the Person class for example ? 
> If I understand well, in "first_name = 
> models.CharField(max_length=30)", first_name is an instance of class 
> CharField. This instance send "30" to the "max_length" parameter of 
> class CharField. This parameter is used by an internal method of class 
> CharFiled. Is that right ? :-) 
> Thanks again to all 
> Regards 
> Alain 

I'm having a little difficulty understanding your question (problème de 
traduction, sans aucun doute). Person inherits from models.Model, so all 
methods that are defined in the superclass are also available to the 
subclass - that's how Person gets methods such as `save`.

As for `max_length=30`, when you instantiate a class Python calls the 
`__init__` method of that class, which in this case accepts a number of 
arguments including max_length.

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