thanks for the answer,then I'll start this way.

Just another question. I'll use a registration package I think for
Shops owners, do you know wich one could be the best for jsut a simple
registration workflow ?

Agian, thnaks for your time



On 7 nov, 13:32, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:06 PM, youpsla <youp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > before getting more in depth in writing my project I ask you a general
> > design question. My Django knowledge is not BIG enough for me to be
> > able to have a clear answer (with for and cons) on my question.
> > Here are the main guidelines of my project :
> > - I've two kind of users : Shop owners and consumers (I've already don
> > the part for consumers wich is quite simple)
> > - Shop owners have to register (Simple workflow : Email send with a
> > link for confirmation and activation)
> > - I like shops owners to be able to:
> >    - Create one ore more shops with some informations (Adress, openg/
> > closing time etc ....)
> >    - For each shop, they can add events
> >    - Of course each shops owner can only access to shops and events
> > he has created himself
> > My question, is:
> > Do you thing it's better to use and customize the admin interface or
> > it's better to write all "from scratch".
> Generally speaking, you're going to want to do it "from scratch".
> The admin interface isn't intended to be a framework for building your
> site. It's exactly what it says on the box -- an administration
> interface. It presents a very low-level view of your database, which
> is handy for tweaking data at a low level, but it isn't really suited
> to public facing sites.
> If you have requirements that involve customized workflows, or you're
> expecting to customize views or structure, you're going to be better
> served by building the site from scratch.
> That said, Django doesn't leave you completely to your own devices.
> Most websites have, at their core, lots of fairly common functionality
> -- show me a list of all available X objects; show me the details for
> widget 3; allow me to edit the details for widget 3, and so on.
> This is where Django's generic views come in. The generic views are
> pre-canned views for displaying and editing objects in common ways. If
> you're looking to bang out a proof of concept, you'd be much better
> suited to spending your time working out how to use generic views,
> rather than trying to work out how to bend the admin to your will.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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