On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Sells, Fred
<fred.se...@adventistcare.org> wrote:
> I'm getting an http request from another server in our system and I need
> to respond using a csv format.  I've seen the example in the docs where
> the template looks like this:
> {% for row in data %}"{{ row.0|addslashes }}", "{{ row.1|addslashes }}",
> "{{ row.2|addslashes }}", "{{ row.3|addslashes }}", "{{ row.4|addslashes
> }}"
> {% endfor %}
> However I would like my template to work with a variable number of
> fields.  Short of doing a  ",".join(arow)  in my view, I'm not sure how
> to do this without getting a trailing  "," in my output.  My view
> snippet looks like this:
> ================================================================
> results = [ (s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.e) for s in today]
> return render_to_response('tuples2csv.txt',{'records': results},
> mimetype='text/plain', context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> ================================================================
> My template looks like this at this time:
> ===============================================================
> {% for row in records %}{% for value in row %}{{value}},{% endfor %}
> {% endfor %}
> ===============================================================
> The data looks like this - I've deleted much of the internal field
> content since it is proprietary information
> ====================================================
> 7:55,xxxx,xxxx,
> 8:55,xxxx,xxxx,
> 11:25,xxxx,xxxx,
> 8:25,xxxx,xxxxxxx,
> =============================================================
> I guess I can always convert this to a text block in my view and respond
> with that, but it seems like I should be able to use the template system
> for a more generic solution.  I've done a fair amount of googling on
> this but keep getting to the same examples that are close but not quite
> what I need.
> If someone can clarify how to eliminate the trailing ","I would really
> appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Fred.

Do you have a really good reason for generating CSV in a template? It
will be astonishingly slow.

The python csv module simply requires a file like object to write to.
A HttpResponse is a file like object.

To answer your question, in a for loop there are various counters
available, one of which is forloop.last, which is true the last time
through the loop.




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