Ok, as a reminder, here is the Image model I am using:

class Image(models.Model):
    altText = models.CharField(maxlength = 128, null = True, blank =
    picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/%Y/%m')

The problem is that i want to create multiple objects of this type from
a single upload form (and thus uploading multiple files)

> Your request appears to have multiple files in it, which suggests that your
> template is working fine. As far as I can see, all that remains is to pass
> your request into the Description Manipulator to get_validation_errors,
> do_html2python, and save. This process should handle writing the files to
> disk.

Well No, not exactly, and that's why started this thread. If I call
those methods, only one file (the last one in the form) will get
uploded and its data saved to the database. The rest of the files in
the post request seem to be lost.

The problem relies on the fact that FormWrapper seems to be associated
to one manipulator, and that the manipulator is in turn created by
AddManipulator(), a method from each Model. The Image model would have
to have multiple ImageField fields so that django can save them all,
but anyways that would create *a single Image Object*

So Apparently, if i want to upload multiple files and create with them
an equal number of Image objects, it seems to me that i have to do it
"one by one" (an upload for each post request).

I will try by creating multiple FormWrappers, but I think that will
imply knowing how many files will be uploaded, which is not exactly

Anyways, thanks a lot for your replies. I will keep trying and let you
know what i found.

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