On 06/03/2012, at 8:31 PM, Joey Espinosa wrote:

> In light of all the recent talk about Egor Homakov's commandeering of GitHub 
> by exploiting a default Rails setting, are there any such "gotcha" security 
> defaults or common settings/conventions in Django you can think of that could 
> cause unsuspecting site maintainers to suffer a similar fate? If you have a 
> good one (or better yet, a list), sound off! This could help other 
> developers/administrators, and I could collect these into a blog post if I 
> get enough responses.

Perhaps the biggest lesson the open source community can learn from this entire 
exercise is *how to report security issues*.

If you find -- or even *suspect* that you have found -- a security 
vulnerability in Django, *please* don't file a bug, write a blog post, or 
deface a known Django site. You should mail secur...@djangoproject.com and 
describe in detail the problem you have found. 

The same goes for "insecure-by-default" defaults -- if you think Django has a 
default option that has the potential to leave Django sites accidentally 
vulnerable, *please* don't post a blog explaining how to identify and exploit 
the problem. Mail secur...@djangoproject.com and describe the problem. This 
class of problem is harder to protect against, because we can't always protect 
against how someone will use a library. But if it's in our power to provide a 
secure default, or provide better documentation to encourage best practice, or 
even just document that a potential gotcha exists, we would like to do so -- 
without the fireworks that the Rails and Github communities were forced to 
endure this week.

Russ Magee %-)

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