On 9/6/06, Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I've checked the docs, but nothing seems to be wrong to me.
Any help appreciated, thanks.

I just tried the following using your models (plus a __str__ definition):
p1 = Person(name='russ')
p2 = Person(name='guillermo')
p3 = Person(name='guido')

c1 = Class(name='Music')
c2 = Class(name='Art')

p1.classes = [c1, c2]
p2.classes = [c1]
p3.classes = [c2]

>>>print Person.objects.filter(classes__id__exact=2)
[<Person: russ>, <Person: guido>]

>>>print Person.objects.filter(classes__name__startswith='Music')
[<Person: russ>, <Person: guillermo>]

>>>print Person.objects.filter(classes__name__exact='Music')
[<Person: russ>, <Person: guillermo>]

>>> print Person.objects.filter(classes__name__startswith='Mus')
[<Person: russ>, <Person: guillermo>]

>>> print Person.objects.filter(classes__name__exact='Mus')

This seems to be correct. Perhaps it is a DB specific problem - what database are you using (my tests were with postgres)?

Also; after you have executed these queries, the following:

from django.db import connection
print connection.queries

will dump the exact SQL that was executed. This might be helpful in diagnosing the problem.

Russ Magee %-)

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