I'd like to note that this is not the first time this has come up,
although I don't wish to imply we should not be discussing it (it seems
to be one of those issues that comes up periodically).


There was also a discussion on IRC from even farther back:


I actually wrote up some random thoughts about this issue on a personal
wiki page, and I figure I might as well throw those out now. Apologies
for the length and the formatting (it's obviously in wiki source

re: "Djangoforge"

[The links I shared above were also pasted here at the top of the page]

>From that discussion plus a handful of others, it looks like an
official one ''is'' planned for the 1.0 release?

* Should it be official or unofficial?
** If it's official, that would be "nicer" because there would be a
mandate for it, it would be in a central location along with everything
else, etc.
** However, if official, we might run into the problem of people
expecting official support for the non-core-dev-written code contained
therein. This is probably the #1 reason to make it unofficial--or not
to have it at all, since even an unofficial one would really need to be
linked from the official site, and thus gain officiality by
*** So then the question becomes, is its usefulness going to outweigh
that support concern?
** Also, I found a reference on the IRC channel from 2005.10.03 quoting
one of the core devs as saying such a thing would be a "conflict of
interest" but that they'd be happy to have someone else host it. If
still true, this would make this official/unofficial issue moot (and
the wiki-related items below would have to pertain to some non-Django
* What should it contain? Most of these are possibilities, I'm not
necessarily saying I think they should all be included.
** Anything that does not belong in the core "contrib" directory, stuff
that is not in the official trunk code. I.e. when someone says "Why is
Common/Useful Feature X not in Django?" and the core devs do not want
to include that feature in the short/long term, someone could make one
(app/templatetag/patch) and stick it on the Djangoforge.
** Common model examples and/or fleshed-out explanations of the ones
already included in the docs. For example, how to do tags correctly
(and/or a small discussion of the different approaches to that problem
and their pluses/minuses).
** Common templatetags, such as ones for len(), 'if x in y', etc.
** Full applications, probably the primary reason people mention this
sort of project. Blog, photo gallery, wiki, etc.
* What format should it be in?
** Is there a good reason NOT to have it in the code.djangoproject
wiki? I'd say that depends on exactly what is provided (see previous
point re: what should it contain?). For simple stuff like code snippets
(templatetags, model layouts) we already have many on the wiki. Full
apps/projects would be something else--yes, you can attach archives to
wiki pages, but we probably want source control for this stuff, right?
*** Furthermore, the wiki provides, well, a wiki--built-in discussion
and unlimited expandability by the users. At least some of a wiki's
functionality is really required for this sort of thing, IMO.
** Should we use whatever OSS "Forge" systems already exist? I have not
examined them closely, but my gut instinct from using them to some
degree is that they're kinda "loud" UI-wise, plus they aren't as
collaborative as we might need (which brings us back to the wiki).
However, if good ones exist, they have theoretically solved all these
problems before and we might not want to reinvent the wheel.
** Roll something new (with Django, of course)? See previous point re:
reinventing the wheel; but a roll-our-own could, of course, provide
exactly the features we need in the way we need them (note to newbies,
this duality of thinking is why the open source community is so damned
fragmented ;)).



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