The question might seem too simplistic, but it seems formsets can only work 
with forms that have simple type fields such as charfield.
But has anyone tried to use a form with a dropdown and use that form to 
instantiate a formset?

Let me give you an example why this fails:


class SalesItem(models.Model):        
    item_description    = models.CharField(max_length=40)
    company             = models.ForeignKey(Company)

Here I create a form with a dropdown, hoping to pass in the company as a 
source for the dropdown. Hold on to this thought, as I think that is not 
possible in my scenario.


class SalesItemFSForm(Form):        
    sales_item      =   forms.ModelChoiceField(required=False, queryset = '')

    def __init__(self, company, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SalesItemFSForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields.sales_item.queryset = company.salesitem_set.all()

Now within my view I would like to create a formset with this form:

formset_type = formset_factory(SalesItemFSForm, extra=0)

The problem becomes right away clear, as there seem to be no way that I 
could pass in the company to determine the source for the dropdown.

How would you solve this please?

Many Thanks,

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