I use something like that... i mean, for example if /foo/bar must to
execute with django the url must to be example.com/site.wsgi/foo/bar
(continue with the example of serverfault)... if you follow
example.com/foo/bar apache use your statics files.

(this part of my production virtualhost)

WSGIDaemonProcess domain.com processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup domain.com
WSGIScriptAlias /dj /home/path/to/site/django/wsgi/django.wsgi

Alias /media/ /home/path/to/site/django/src/project/media/
Alias /static/admin/ /home/path/to/site/django/src/project/static/admin/

(End Virtualhost example)

Following my example i have an urlconf to see news:
url( r'^/news/', 'news-site' ),

but clients must to put http://www.mydomain.com/dj/news/  so apache
see that you put /dj in yours url... so execute django.wsgi... urlconf
see news in the url so execute news-site view.

Sorry about my english i hope that help you

2012/9/18 Sebastiaan Snoeckx <sebastiaan.snoe...@gmail.com>:
> Hello list
> I used mod_wsgi to setup my site to rewrite urls according to
> <http://serverfault.com/a/126188> but now my app doesn't seem to follow
> its urlconf anymore. Every single request to the wsgi application just
> returns my default (index) view. example.com/, example.com/a/,
> example.com/foo/bar... it's all my default view, no other views work...
> Is there some setting (I heard something about a faulty SCRIPT_NAME? but
> I'm unsure about that) I'm missing or how does Django find out the
> original request from the rewritten URI?
> Maybe I'm not very clear, so feel free to ask for more information.
> Thanks in advance

Rafael E. Ferrero
Claro: (03562) 15514856

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