> I use something like that... i mean, for example if /foo/bar must to 
> execute with django the url must to be example.com/site.wsgi/foo/bar 
> (continue with the example of serverfault)... if you follow 
> example.com/foo/bar apache use your statics files. 
> (this part of my production virtualhost) 
> WSGIDaemonProcess domain.com processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP} 
> WSGIProcessGroup domain.com 
> WSGIScriptAlias /dj /home/path/to/site/django/wsgi/django.wsgi 
> Alias /media/ /home/path/to/site/django/src/project/media/ 
> Alias /static/admin/ /home/path/to/site/django/src/project/static/admin/ 
> (End Virtualhost example) 
> Following my example i have an urlconf to see news: 
> url( r'^/news/', 'news-site' ), 
> but clients must to put http://www.mydomain.com/dj/news/  so apache 
> see that you put /dj in yours url... so execute django.wsgi... urlconf 
> see news in the url so execute news-site view. 
> Sorry about my english i hope that help you 

Well... first of all, my static files are not in separate '/static/' 
directories or on a separate server or anything (hence the RewriteCond), 
and secondly, the problem is that even when I do 
"example.com/site.wsgi/foo/" it still won't work and i only get my default 
view... always... as a matter of fact, instead of returning a Django error 
when I enter a known bogus address, it still shows my default view.

Btw, I'm unsure about the terminology here, but 'default view' is simply 
"url(r'', 'app.views.show_index')" which shouldn't actually match anything 
(just an empty GET) -- meaning the GET request is stripped by Django for 
some reason? that or there's a mistake in my RewriteRule.

I'm really stuck with this... :(

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