On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 1:10 AM, Kurt Pruhs <kpr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Russell
> I understand what you are saying, as far as making AJAX a part of Django's
> core. It's a server-side framework. On the other hand, I was just in D.C.
> for DjangoCon and listened to Adrian Holovaty talk about making Django
> deliver real-time content. Did I misunderstand what he was saying? As far as
> I know, a JavaScript solution is the most viable for delivering real-time
> content to browsers. Is there another way to do this? Just curious what your
> thoughts are.

Put it this way - the question you need to answer is:

"Could I implement this externally, without making any changes to
Django's core?"

In the case of AJAX, the answer is definitely yes. You can write an
AJAX-compatible Django view entirely in user space. It requires no
modifications to Django itself. If someone wants to write a killer
AJAX library for Django, they should do so -- there's no reason it
needs to be baked into Django's core.

In the case of Real-time, the answer is maybe. Serving real-time data
will probably require some modifications to core -- the mechanisms
used to serve real-time data are different to traditional 'static
page' mechanisms. So yes, if we want to provide a solution for
real-time, it will probably mean making some changes to core. And,
since real-time data needs a front-end component, this may mean
including a front-end component.

That said, my overwhelming preference would be to follow up on Geoff
Schmidt's DjangoCon suggestion and concentrate on formalising a data
layer protocol for this sort of thing. This way, Django can maintain
it's server-side focus, and let those with a client-side focus
concentrate on their specialties. However, pragmatism may dictate that
this isn't possible - at least, not initially - because as Geoff
indicated, the protocol doesn't actually exist yet.

Russ Magee %-)

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