On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 14:03 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have been working with version .95, and now I also need to be able to
> use .91 on my Windows dev box to support an older app.
> Not sure how to accomplish this with Apache/modpy or even with the
> built-in dev server. Any guidance on how to accomplish this would be
> greatly appreciated!
> Not sure if I'm on the right path with this:
> <VirtualHost localhost:8260>
>     DocumentRoot c:/dev/htdocs/testsite.8260/
>     ServerName localhost
>     <Location "/">
>        SetEnv PYTHONPATH
> C:/dev/tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg/django
>        SetHandler python-program
>        PythonPath "['C:\dev\python_root'] + sys.path"
>        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testsite.settings
>        PythonDebug On
>        PythonInterpreter testsite
>     </Location>
>     <Location "/media/">
>        SetHandler None
>     </Location>
>     <LocationMatch "\.(jpg|gif|png)$">
>        SetHandler None
>     </LocationMatch>
> </VirtualHost>

That looks like it should be going in the right direction. You don't
mention if it worked or not (and, if not, what errors were you seeing).
Except for possibly subtle syntax errors or typos, I would expect this
to work fairly smoothly from the fragment you have posted.

Because Django is "just" a Python application, all you are trying to do
is ensure that the right version of Django is on the Python path so that
import statements work correctly. In your development environemtn, you
will have the 0.95 directory in PYTHONPATH (or equivalent) and in your
web server environment, set up the 0.91 path as you are doing here.


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