On Sun, 12 May 2013 03:17:04 -0700 (PDT)
Stanley Agba <stanley.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello guys, 
> please I'm kind of a noob at django and I'm trying to deploy a django
> site on Apache with mod_wsgi, I am not using a virtualenv as the
> server has python installed.
> I added the following to my /etc/apache2/apache2.conf 
> <VirtualHost example:80>
>    ServerName example
>    ServerAlias example
>    ServerAdmin exam...@example.com
>    DocumentRoot /var/www/example/static
>    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/example/example/wsgi.py
>    WSGIPythonPath  /var/www/example
>    <Directory /var/www/example/example>
>    <Files wsgi.py>
>       Order allow,deny
>       Allow from all
>    </Files>
>    </Directory>
>    Alias /head.jpg  /var/www/example/static/head.jpg
>    Alias /media/ /var/www/example/uploads
>    Alias /static /var/www/example/static
>    <Directory /var/www/example/static>
>    Order deny,allow
>    Allow from all
>    </Directory>
>   <Directory /var/www/example/uploads>
>   Order deny,allow
>   Allow from all
>   </Directory>
>   ErrorLog /var/www/python_ng/logs/error.log
>   CustomLog /var/www/python_ng/logs/access.log combined
> </VirtualHost>
> I got a 'WSGIPythonPath cannot be in virtual host section' error.
> I have searched for previous topics but i have not been able to get a 
> solution, I would greatly appreciate any help.
> Thanks

The WSGIPyhtonPath must be moved outside of the <VirtualHost>
configuration directive. I.e. it must be in the "root" of Apache
configuration. For example, this would work:

WSGIPythonPath  /var/www/example
<VirtualHost example:80>
   ServerName example
   ServerAlias example
   ServerAdmin exam...@example.com

   DocumentRoot /var/www/example/static
   WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/example/example/wsgi.py
   <Directory /var/www/example/example>
   <Files wsgi.py>
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

   Alias /head.jpg  /var/www/example/static/head.jpg
   Alias /media/ /var/www/example/uploads
   Alias /static /var/www/example/static

   <Directory /var/www/example/static>
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all

  <Directory /var/www/example/uploads>
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

  ErrorLog /var/www/python_ng/logs/error.log
  CustomLog /var/www/python_ng/logs/access.log combined

Keep in mind that setting the path in this way means it gets set like
that for _all_ mod_wsgi apps you might have. Most people therefore use
a bit different solution where they set-up the Python path within the
wsgi.py instead (if you want to host multiple independent
Django projects).

Best regards

Branko Majic
Jabber: bra...@majic.rs
Please use only Free formats when sending attachments to me.

Бранко Мајић
Џабер: bra...@majic.rs
Молим вас да додатке шаљете искључиво у слободним форматима.

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