On 10/12/06, sago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I suggest, its time to see what people need from Paginator and make
> a serious joint contribution to a complete system.

Thanks for bringing this up. I'd like to make some big improvements to
the paginator class, and you touched on most (all?) things that I'd
like to improve...

> 1. Is there any point in having a paginator object and then having to
> request data from it on a page by page basis? IMHO the use-case is:
> create a query set, feed it to a paginator, tell the paginator which
> page of results you want, render that page. So the paginator should
> have a set_page method (related to 7 below).

I love the idea of a Paginator class that knows what page it's on. The
patch in http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/2576 does exactly this.
I'd prefer to have it be a separate class, rather than make Paginators
optionally page-aware.

> 2. Most page-by-page views have this data:
> a) The list of objects on that page.
> b) The 1-indexed number of the first and last object on the page (e.g.
> results 1-10).
> c) The total number of results (e.g. results 1-10 of 100).

We already cover c) with paginator.hits. As for b), it'd be nice to
have a paginator.firstindex and paginator.lastindex, or some better
name. And a) is achieved by paginator.get_page().

> 3. I can think of many applications where it is useful to be able to
> move between pages. Has next and Has previous is fine. But forums,
> google &c often have a page list. It would be useful to have paginator
> returning a list of pages (e.g. if pages returns 4, it would be nice to
> have something returne range(1,5)). It isn't hard to trap the number of
> pages and run it through range, of course, but DRY suggests this could
> be in the paginator class rather than any view that needs it. This
> becomes more critical with...

Yes! I've implemented this so many times on my own that I think it
should be in the paginator class.

> 4. More intelligent lists of pages. In my application there may be many
> tens of pages. So I do a google-like thing of having a subset of the
> pages as direct links. If the user is on page 15 of 50, for example, I
> might have links to pages [1,2,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,49,50]. Actually I
> like to have dots to signify non-contiguous numbering. So currently I
> return [1,2,None,12,13... etc], but that may just be me.

I've done the [1, 2, None, 12, 13...] thing myself. Let's do this in
paginator as well.

> 5. Orphans - see Chris' ticket.

I'm not 100% sold on this, but I'll give it some more thought...

> 6. Fallback to finding the number of hits with len() rather than
> .count(). That single change would allow paginators to paginate any
> sequence-like object, not just query sets. [As an aside Django's query
> sets should probably implement __len__ as an alias for .count() to be
> more 'pythonic'. Would this cause any side-effects?]

The problem with QuerySets implementing __len__ is that sometimes you
care about the length of the QuerySet *after* the query has been done,
and sometimes you care about the number of records (i.e., *before* the
query has been done).

I like this suggestion for the paginator, though. What about one of
these solutions:

* Try .count() first. If the method doesn't exist, use len().

* Pass an optional count_method to the constructor, which defaults to
'count', but people could pass in '__len__' if they wanted. This is
slightly less elegant than the previous solution.

* Or, both!

> 7. You should be able to get a whole dictionary of data about the page
> back in one go. So I can just get my page information (consisting of
> the above) and pass it right along to the template renderer. This again
> is a DRY principle related to the most common use-case of getting
> paginator to group objects onto a page and return the data needed to
> render it. Having to pull individual bits of data out of paginator and
> add them to a dictionary or to the context is very timeconsuming. It
> should be a separate dictionary rather than writing to the context so
> that multiple paginated lists can sit on one page easily.

I think this wouldn't be necessary if we had a PaginatorPage (as
suggested in #2576), because, in theory, the PaginatorPage would have
access to all the stuff you needed in your template. Am I missing

> And to any of the Django admins - would a substantial upgrade of this
> kind to paginator be allowable, or are you locked down on its API until
> v2?

The paginator class has never been documented in the official docs
(with a small exception being in a model example), so we're not locked
down on its API. And really, the types of things we're talking about
here are enhancements, not necessarily backwards-incompatibilities.


Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | djangoproject.com

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