Jyrki Pulliainen wrote:

> Script seems to work. However: Python-docutils package (at least on my
> Ubuntu Dapper) ships with buildhtml.py-script, which can be found in
> /usr/share/python-docutils/ directory. That recurses through
> directories converting all .txt files to .html. Recursive conversion
> is default behaviour and it can be changed with a switch. That way, a
> 2 line command line script would do the same thing that your thing.

That's what I was afraid of ;-)
> Though, making that one, you've propably learned something. If you
> want to process your script further, I'd suggest exploring the
> docutils package for generating the html with python instead of
> calling command line script. Would make the solution neater. Also, the
> svn has a client libraries for python too.

I know it's not the perfect script and that it could be optimised in many
ways. As I discover the python world, I tried to make a first simple
script. I was guessing that docutils could be used directly, I now have to
dive into this (and also into svn lib...).


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