On 10/14/2014 09:46 AM, Collin Anderson wrote:
> If you _really_ want it to be automatic, I think your best bet is to use
> a middleware to store the user or request object in a "thread local"
> variable, and then have a pre_save signal set the last_updated_by field
> based on that. That method is frowned upon, but should work. (If you're
> doing "green" threading, it may break.) The pre_save signal could error,
> or something if it is not able to determine the request (like in the
> command-line case).

I've done this while avoiding thread-locals (and signals) by just
overriding the model save method to add a ``user`` argument, and giving
the model a custom manager/queryset whose ``update`` method also takes a
``user`` argument. This just means anywhere you call ``save`` or
``update`` you have to pass in a ``user``. It's a bit more typing than
doing it via thread-local and signals, but I much prefer making it
explicit. Also makes it simpler for the cases (like a management
command) where there is no request, but you may still have a way to
identify the responsible user.

If you use the admin, it means you have to customize the ModelAdmin
slightly too so that it passes in the ``user`` kwarg, but that's not hard.


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