Hi Ken,

On 10/17/2014 01:09 PM, Ken Winter wrote:
> On Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:13:20 PM UTC-4, Carl Meyer wrote:
>     I don't see any way this is feasible, if you want it to cover raw SQL
>     executed through ``cursor.execute``. Are you planning to parse the SQL
>     for every raw statement, 
> /Ken: Yes./
>     figure out if its an INSERT or UPDATE, 
> /Ken: Yes./
>     and then
>     figure out which row(s) it might affect? 
> Ken: No; at this point my code inserts an element that assigns the user
> id to "last_updated_by" into the SET clause of an UPDATE query or the
> VALUES clause of an INSERT query, then hands the modified query back to
> the connector, which passes it on to the DB.
> At this point you're well into
> re-implementing chunks of PostgreSQL in your app code.
> Ken: No, just a modest bit of parsing and tweaking of SQL queries.  My
> code doesn't have to execute the queries in any way.

I admire your intrepidity!

But on a project I'm responsible for, I'd never let this pass code
review. SQL is a complex language; are you using a battle-tested SQL
parser that you are confident handles every possible syntax variation
correctly? Or are you hand-rolling a regex-based "parser" that will work
correctly for the simplest queries, but break when it encounters
anything you didn't anticipate?

To name a few examples selected randomly from a brief perusal of the
Postgres docs:

- Does your code handle an INSERT with DEFAULT VALUES but no VALUES clause?

- Does your code handle an UPDATE that touches multiple tables using a
FROM clause?

- Does your code handle writable CTEs?

You may say "I just won't use any of those SQL features"; at that point
you don't have a solution that is safe to hide from your developers, and
you may as well .

> Ken: So to implement this in Django, one would have to find the Django
> counterpart of ZPsycopgDA.db.py and insert this code in the same way.

Yes, you'll have to do this either by patching Django, or monkeypatching
it at runtime. I think you'll be happier in the long run if you avoid
doing either of those things.

You'll also have to install a "current user ID" threadlocal for this to
work, which introduces another way in which this solution won't really
be transparent to your developers - they'll have to always make sure
they install a threadlocal user ID before doing anything with the
database. And if they install the wrong one, rather than being a clear
local bugfix (as in the case of passing the wrong user to model.save()),
it's a much more mysterious action-at-a-distance bug to track down.

And, lastly, this solution still isn't really "universal" because it
won't help if someone connects to the database directly instead of
through your app.

> Ken: Whaddya think?

I think that you can almost certainly get this working for simple cases,
and it might even be a fun exercise, but if it were my production
project that I needed to maintain for the next several years, I wouldn't
touch this solution with a ten-foot pole.


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