<< What WSGI server are you using in the
Heroku deployment? Can you point to the instructions you followed to
deploy your project on Heroku?>>

Simple questions with not so simple answers. I started with a Django
getting started tutorial on Heroku. It had a different look and feel than
the rest of Heroku, and it included a sample application called 'getting
started'. However, that page has now been completely rewritten to look like
all the other Heroku pages, and it no longer includes the tutorial or the
getting started project:

This project used get_wsgi_application from django.core and Cling.

I suspect the reason it's gone now is that there is now an 'official'
Django template for getting started on Heroku. It uses whitenoise instead
of dj-static and Cling but still has django.core.

Anyway, I adjusted my project to suit these new requirements, then tried
adding my pre-existing project which works just fine on my home machine
(Windows 8.1), and when that didn't behave as expected is when I came here
to post. Since then I have gone ahead and imported my database with
pgbackup. Now I understood that this would be 'destructive', but I assumed
that meant it would destroy my database, not wipe my models.py too - but
that's what it did. Now what I don't get is, if it was so destructive, why
is the 'getting started' project now BACK in my Heroku site, (I had deleted
it in the first place, and why wasn't it wiped out too in the second
place?) and when I run git status or migrate, they both say there are no
changes to update, even though my pre-existing models.py is still sitting
there on my local dev. I don't get that at all.

Your wisdom and insights will be greatly appreciated.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Carl Meyer <c...@oddbird.net> wrote:

> Hi Malik,
> On 11/12/2014 08:27 PM, Malik Rumi wrote:
> > Q: This is a ‘help me understand how this works / what it does’ question
> > rather than a ‘help me I’m stuck’ question. I have an existing Django
> > project I wanted to get on Heroku. I created a new site on Heroku,
> > uploaded my project, and ran migrations. But all I have is a generic
> > new, empty Django site. The Django admin knows nothing about my models.
> > Now, granted, I have not yet put up my existing database but I expected
> > it to at least create the tables for my models, which it did not. Of
> > course they are in installed apps, but I did not run ‘startapp’ since
> > the app already exists. So why didn’t this work?
> I don't know why it isn't working. What WSGI server are you using in the
> Heroku deployment? Can you point to the instructions you followed to
> deploy your project on Heroku?
> > Or, should the question be: 'in the case of moving a pre-existing
> > project, what do you do /instead /of 'startapp''?
> Nothing. Just migrate.
> > Or maybe I have to run startapp anyway? Why?
> Startapp is nothing but a convenience to pre-generate a skeleton of some
> files; it is precisely and entirely equivalent to creating those same
> files yourself in your codebase.
> Personally, I never use "startapp" at all, even to create an app in the
> first place.
> It is certainly not necessary to run it for existing apps on new
> deployments.
> Carl

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